Last friday I've ended the reading of the great book "Foundation", authored by the great Isaac Asimov, one of greatest names of Science Fiction of the twentieth century. This book could be conceived as seminal because this is the first book, as I know of, that first talked about the ideia of a "Galactic Empire", a starting point for whatever other greatest Sci-Fi stories that followed, which of ones the most widely known are Star Wars and Dune.
As Asimov states on the preface, the idea that first inspired this particular story was the great history work known as "The fall and decline of the Roman Empire". Asimov tried to extrapolate the ideas behind an Empire Ruine into a far distant future, expliciting the ideas that maintain an Empire through time, and a way in which, after a decline, what could make an Empire reborn again. For other people, that, like me, like History, this is a greatest story that no one should lose the oportunity to read.

I've decided to waste my time in waiting for the bus 742 near the place where I work, this because I'm simply tired of using the metro. To go to the places I live in I have to exchange from one line to another.Now I only need to catch the Bus and I go directly into Alcantara Mar train station, and from there I travel by train.
Over and over again, we all waste our times in this places, could be in the metro platform, a fluvial station or even an airport. I don't know if any of these places could be, in any way, nice to stay on or enjoy. The bus stops could be used as places where people could made group therapy (like in the anonym alcoholics) and there on the end of every day each one would tell the unhappinness or unpleaseness of their lifes. The seatplaces should had a round table, where everyone would join together and chat with other people: "Please share with me what makes you unhappy at this end of day right here right now!". Each way or another, people will never enter in stress or be anxious again about the bus that never gets ready.
I want to see any of you happy on the next bus stop when I will come there next day.
I've decided to make a custom search im my Winamp Media Library about songs that contains the word 'life' in the title and I've came across this playlist:
1. Life (11:23)
2. A-ha - Lifelines (4:17)
3. A-ha - 01 Lifelines (4:17)
4. Angelo Badalamenti - Night Life in Twin Peaks (Instrumental) (3:27)
5. Beatles - Got to get you into my life (2:30)
6. Beatles - In my life (2:27)
7. Beatles - Run for your life (2:18)
8. Beatles - A day in the life (5:33)
9. Billy Joel - My Life (3:53)
10. Brian Eno / Genesis - The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging (2:46)
11. Clannad - In A Lifetime (3:13)
12. David Bowie - Life On Mars? (3:50)
13. Dire Straits - Walk Of Life (4:10)
14. Dire Straits - Walk of Life (4:08)
15. Dream Theater - Scene Four: Beyond This Life (11:22)
16. Elton John - Someone Saved My Life Tonight (6:44)
17. Elton John - 10. Circle Of Life (4:52)
18. Green Day - Time Of Your Life (2:34)
19. Howard Shore - Breath Of Life (Featuring Sheila Chandra) (5:07)
20. Jon & Vangelis - Page Of Life (3:17)
21. The Moody Blues - Isn't Life Strange (5:32)
22. Pink Floyd - Signs Of Life (4:24)
23. Pink Floyd - Coming Back To Life (6:19)
24. Queen - It's a hard life (4:08)
25. Queen - Love of My Life (4:47)
26. Queen - My Life Has Been Saved (3:15)
27. R.E.M. - Imitation Of Life (3:58)
28. REM - Imitation of life (3:57)
29. Roxy Music - Street Life (3:23)
30. Santana - Love Of My Life (5:47)
31. Scorpions - Life Is Too Short (6:30)
32. Scorpions - Love Of My Life (3:04)
33. Talking heads - Once in a lifetime (4:18)
34. Talking heads - Wild wild life (3:41)
35. Talking Heads - Once in a Lifetime (4:19)
36. Talking Heads - Life During Wartime [Live] (5:04)
37. Talking Heads - Wild Wild Life (3:41)
38. Talking Heads - Lifetime Piling Up (3:52)
39. Tomita-Yamaguchi-Pachelbel-Vivaldi-Bach - Vangelis (cosmos) - Life [1980] (11:22)
40. Toto - Paul Takes The Water Of Life (2:51)
41. Vangelis - Life Of Antarctica (5:59)
42. Vangelis - 02 Sounds From Our Life's firstpoe (2:43)
43. Yes - Starship Trooper: Life Seeker/Disillusion/Wurm (9:25)
Etiquetas: music winamp playlist life

This is near the place I work on, at the end of the Conde Valbom street.
Like always does every five hundred years,
In the sands of egyptian place Heliopolis,
The Phoenix rises again, as she always does,
And always will do...
This is my first post, using my new HTC PDA, and like the phoenix rebirths, I expect this to be the rebirth of this blog, now in english and portuguese to...
Hoje alguns compinchas da minha vida perguntaram-me porque raio possuía como mensagem de visualização no meu MSN Messenger a seguinte frase:
Não tenho vocação para ser a materialização de um estereótipo
Tal semelhante afirmação parece ter escandalizado alguns, que me vieram querer tirar satisfações sob qual o sentido de singular afirmação. Na brincadeira, respondi que era a afirmação mais provável que a Lili Caneças teria, após recuperar da convalescença de uma operação de transfusão de neurónios para dentro daquela cabeça bacoca, haveria de ter quando se confrontasse com o priemiro membro dos
media que lhe aparecesse pela frente.
Na realidade, tal afirmação é apenas um desabafo pela forma pela qual, nos mais variados lugares pelos quais nós passamos na nossa vida, nós somos comparados, como querendo comprovar a dita realidade do carimbo de semelhança de alguém que seja o modelo inspirador do protótipo em questão.
Isto tudo foi suscitado pela conversa de alguém no MSN que se dirigiu a mim como querendo comprovar, na cabeça dele, se era ou não o comprovativo de um determinado estereótipo. É sempre chato passar por situações destas. Por mais caricatas que sejam, não deixam de ser exasperantes, porque, de acordo com o grau de intensidade que assumem, nos levará por vezes a fazer perder as estribeiras...